Everything’s Equal

So by way of an introduction it’s been ages that I’ve posted here.  I have a backlog of half finished posts that might see the light of day, but for now I’ve been thinking on some things.  These next few posts will be the Christmas collection;

“…wash me, and I will be whiter than snow…” King David

So for some, snow can be the best of times, for others, not so much.  At least this weekend travelling on the roads has been ok.  Everything else though is a blanket of white, nothing is left untouched by the snow.

It was in the car on Saturday that my dad made this statement;

‘I love it when it snow’s because everything is equal’

It’s so true. House, tree, field, car, everything we passed had been white washed, as far as the eye could see. Stuff like that fire’s off pictures and imagery for me and makes me think, this is where I got to;

The bible is also full of imagery and David uses those words from Psalm 51 about being washed whiter than snow, he’s talking about a spiritual whitewash a snow fall on the inside, a longing to be pure on the inside. It’s a prayer of repentance after a pretty major stuff up on David’s behalf, I’ve not had a stuff up like that but I found myself reflecting on the year, some of it great some of it not so.  As I watched the snow come down and cover everything I started to echo what David prayed and what my dad had said.

“Purify me from my sin, and I will be clean;

wash me, and I will be whiter than snow…

Make everything equal”

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